Rare Bumble Bee Gemstone Necklace with Amber and Shungite, Handmade Jewelry, One of a Kind

If you are looking for something unique, you found it! This minimalist, handmade artisan necklace features organic, rare Bumble Bee gemstones, sparkling, antibacterial Shungite, and genuine Yolk yellow Baltic Amber. Sterling Silver components.

I selected Bumblebee coin beads and rounds, yellow Amber, Shungite faceted roundels for sparkle, and Shungite nuggets for a bit of whimsy. Sterling silver accents, and a pendant drop. One of a Kind (OOAK). Organic. Healing. Rare. Timeless.

16.5" + 2" extension
Pendant drop: 1 1/2"
Sterling silver lobster clasp and ext. chain

Bumble Bee Jasper is one of the most unusual and beautiful looking stones you can find in our world. A highly unique and hard to come by stone, Bumble Bee Jasper is a metaphysical stone with great hidden powers and potential. It gets its name courtesy the alluring pattern that can be found on it, this pattern is identical to the pattern that can be found on bumblebees. Originating only inside the volcanoes of Australia and Indonesia, the Bumble Bee Jasper is a very unique and hard to find.

It is formed from volcanic matter and a combination of various different sedimentary rocks, which is different than that of most Jasper, and hence some people consider it to be an Agate rather than Jasper. The stone showcases very intricate patterns as well as splendid yellow/orange hues on its body.

Bumble Bee Jasper is considered to be the natural birthstone of anyone born during the beginning of summer and the yellow color brings with it the promise of great first beginnings and high optimism. These stones stimulate both the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

The solar plexus is also known as the power chakra, and by stimulating this area it may enable a growth in your personal power.

The solar plexus also strongly relates to the self esteem, and these stones are known to assist with an increase in self esteem. Bumblebee also:

Energizes you
Promotes complete happiness and joy
Encourages the celebration of life’s small moments
Promotes honesty (especially with yourself)
Helps you achieve your dreams
Frees blocked energy from the body
Stimulates mental activity
Relieves symptoms of allergies
Facilitates triumph over the seemingly impossible

Amber is a yellow, brown or orange organic gem, neither a crystal nor a mineral. It is a product of nature, the fossilized resin of prehistoric pine trees. A mixture of hydrocarbons, Amber is composed of several tree resins, plant materials, oil and succinic acid. It is most often found in the Baltic region, where it originated approximately 50 million years ago.

Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit. It also cleanses the environment. Amber draws disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system and balancing the right and left parts of the brain. It absorbs pain and negative energy, helping to alleviate stress.

Shungite is a black, lustrous, non-crystalline natural mineral of unusual composition and structure, Shungite is an ancient rock formation that's about 2 billion years old. It comes from only one place on Earth - a Russian region of Karelia - near the small settlement called Shun'ga (hence the name), on the shores of Lake Onega.

Shungite has been used for centuries - its lore dates back to before the reign of Peter the Great. The locals knew about its mysterious "great powers” and used it to heal diseases and purify water. The antibacterial properties of shungite have been confirmed by modern testing.

What makes scientific researchers so excited about Shungite and why is it called STONE OF LIFE?

Russian scientists confirm that, in addition to being a natural antioxidant, it can improve immune system function. It also actively interacts with various electromagnetic fields (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geo-pathogenic, biofields) and neutralizes their negative impact.

Russian scientific research also shows that because of Shungite’s unique structure, it grabs onto many different things including chemicals, volatile organic compounds, drugs, chlorine, fluoride, and radioactive particles. It also kills a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, phages and other pathogens.

- it has exceptionally high resistance to chemically aggressive environments

- it has a high electrical and low thermal conductivity

- it attenuates electromagnetic emissions, counteracting the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation from computers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices and appliances

- it purifies water and enriches it with beneficial minerals

Rare Bumble Bee Gemstone Necklace with Amber and Shungite, Handmade Jewelry, One of a Kind listed in:


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